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This event has ended. We looking     forward to seeing you for Reading Between the Wines 2020!

Thank you for providing teaching material, volunteer and staff training, financial workshops, technology and other learning resources and support to adult learners in your community. 

Literacy Connections fills a gap in the County's work force development efforts. We serve adult learners who require one-on-one tutoring to establish their basic reading, math, technology, and financial skills. This important first step, lays the foundation for our students to pursue higher education, be competitive in the workforce, and provide for their families. 



The economic impact of literacy in Wayne County is enormous.


  • Wayne County loses an average of 45 million dollars of revenue each year due to low literacy
  • Among twenty-five North Carolina counties of similar size and demographics, Wayne County has the second lowest literacy rate
  • 1 in 10 adults in Wayne County qualify as non-readers


Select from the following choices:


$10 - $49


($10 off Reading Between the Wines)




$50 - $99

 ($10 off Reading Between the Wines

and LCWC Custom Calendar Magnet)



$100 - $499

($10 off Reading Between the Wines

and LCWC Custom Tote)




$500 +

($10 off Reading Between the Wines

and LCWC Custom Journal) 

Click on the link and find out more about this event!

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Events & Sponsorships



There are several ways to give throughout the year with your tax deductible contribution. We invite you to join in the effort to make adult education and literacy an integral part in advancing our community's priorities. Help an individual create a fulfilling and successful life laced with hope and opportunity. 


 Wayne County

Friends of Literacy


Annual Events

Reading Between the Wines 


Give today!

Lilies for Literacy

Literacy education works!
Literacy Connections is changing the lives of Wayne County adults every day. 


Literacy Connections of Wayne County is a non-profit agency created to improve adult literacy in our area.  In addition to group classes in reading, math, simple finance, and computer technology, adults 18 and over are provided free one-on-one tutoring.  Literacy Connections has helped over 1,000 Wayne County adults learn to read since we opened our doors in 2010.

Return/Refund Policy

Please call us at 919-580-4029 for details about returns or refunds. 

Customer Service

For customer service assistance contact:

Susie Martinez


Privacy Policy

Click on the PDF below to view our privacy policy. 

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